
MS instruments at the IMSC

The list of MS equipment below is organized by instrument type and for each instrument the most commonly associated HPLC system and applications are shown. HPLCs are often interchangeable. High-resolution MS systems are most useful for identification and characterization of compounds, while triple quadrupole MS systems are mostly used for targeted quantification. In combination with LC separation both types are suitable for analysis of complex samples. Different ionization methods are used for specific compound classes but the bulk of the analyses are performed with electrospray ionization (ESI). NanoLC and nanoESI are used for small sample amounts, primarily for proteomics applications. MALDI-TOF is suitable for fast analysis of single compounds and simple mixtures, particularly of large molecules (intact biomacromolecules and polymers).
The instruments listed below are available to IMSC customers, but some are shared or owned by other research departments. We will endeavour to use the instruments most suitable for the service project on a per case basis.

High resolution MS

MS instrument MS Manufacturer MS type LC instrument LC Manufacturer Notes
Orbitrap Exploris 480 Thermo quadrupole-orbitrap Ultimate 3000 nanoHPLC Thermo proteomics
Orbitrap Exploris 480 Thermo quadrupole-orbitrap Evosep One nanoHPLC Evosep proteomics
Q Exactive Plus Thermo quadrupole-orbitrap Ultimate 3000 nanoHPLC Thermo general use
Orbitrap Velos Pro Thermo linear trap-orbitrap Prominence LC20 Shimadzu general use
timsTOF SCP Bruker quadrupole-time of flight nanoElute 2 Bruker single cell proteomics & glycomics
ZenoTOF 7600 Sciex quadrupole-time of flight Nexera LC40 UPLC Shimadzu metabolomics
TripleTOF 6600+ Sciex quadrupole-time of flight 1290 Series HPLC Agilent metabolomics
MaXis plus Bruker quadrupole-time of flight CESI 8000 capillary electrophoresis Sciex glycomics

Triple quadrupole MS

MS instrument MS Manufacturer LC instrument LC Manufacturer Notes
API 4000 Sciex Prominence LC20 Shimadzu targeted quantitation
API 4000 Sciex Prominence LC20 Shimadzu targeted quantitation
TSQ Altis Thermo Ultimate 3000 nanoHPLC Thermo targeted proteomics
TSQ Vantage Thermo Ultimate 3000 nanoHPLC Thermo targeted proteomics
Xevo-TQ-S Waters ACQUITY UPLC M-Class Waters general use


MS instrument MS Manufacturer MS type Notes
UltrafleXtreme Bruker MALDI-TOF/TOF proteins, peptides, polymers, sugars

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